Discover the Caney Creek Village – Sunday, Nov. 13, Big Creek Ocoee River Take-out along Hwy 64 (1pm to 3pm).
Time to grab your Indiana Jones hat and your favorite paddle buddy! This unique and Ranger guided program will take us along the Ocoee River and straight into the historic Caney Creek Village. At this location, we will examine some of the ruins from the village that once flourished there. During this program we will also learn about the historical significance of the Ocoee River. Each candidate will be required to paddle upriver/against current for approximately .25 of a mile.
The attendee will need to provide his/her own watercraft, paddle and PFD/Life Jacket. Each participant will need to possess the physical capability to navigate and climb up a steep, undeveloped shoreline.
Each participant will need to be able to skillfully operate/paddle their own personal watercraft without aid.
Each participant will be required to wear a Class III or greater Coast Guard approved life jacket while in the water.
Sturdy footwear is a must, also bring whatever gear/clothes that would make your journey comfortable and safe.
- $0 / Person
- $5 / Attendee + Donation
- $10 / Attendee + Donation
WHERE: Big Creek Ocoee River Take-out along Hwy 64