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Women in Wilderness 2-11

Women in Wilderness – Saturday, Feb. 11 at Hiwassee/Ocoee State Park (10:00am to 1:00pm).

Women in Wilderness is a program designed to help females feel more comfortable in the great outdoors. This is a Ranger led program. Together we will go over some of the concerns/ questions you might have when being in the outdoors. We will also go over gear, the ten essentials, and basics that you need to know if you ever had to spend a night out in the woods. This program is $10 per person so be sure and reserve your spot today. We will meet at the park office to begin our day together. Please dress warm and bring along some snacks and water. We will be inside for the beginning of this program and outside for the remainder. We look forward to hosting you at Hiwassee/Ocoee Rivers State Park.  423-263-0050

Meeting @: 404 Spring Creek Road Delano, TN 37325